Kindergruppe (Nursery) Socke e.V.

The Kindergruppe Socke e.V. (founded in 1996) is a recognized free carrier of child- and youthcare and provides all-day care for nine children between the ages of one and three years.

Join our team!

Opening Hours

All-day care

Monday until Friday from 7.30 am until 3.30 pm

Closed between Christmas and New Year’s, on bridge days as well as during three weeks within the summer holidays of Bremen’s schools.

Parents‘ association

Participation as a principle

Socke is a parent initiative of both students and staff of the Hochschule Bremen, which means that the children’s parents are in charge of organising the framework in which the pedagogical work of the educators is taking place. In doing so, they are supported by the Hochschule and the compound of Bremen Childcare institutions.


Hochschule Bremen

The Nursery is one of two workplace nurseries of the Hochschule Bremen.

Monthly contribution: 523,00 EUR
plus 35,00 EUR shared amount for lunch
An allowance can be granted by the “Elternbeitragsstelle” of the senator for children and education (Senatorin für Kinder und Bildung) depending on the parent’s income